Frequently Asked Questions

During the 30-minute consultation, it’s our opportunity to get to know each other a little. We can discuss the challenges you’re currently facing, whether in career, business, or personal life. You’ll also have the chance to ask me any questions you may have, and I’ll tell you more about how I work.

Simply find a quiet, private space for our video Zoom call. The session is informal and designed to make you comfortable, focusing on your personal and professional goals. Feel free to come ready with any questions you may have for me.

Coaching investments vary as they are tailored to your specific journey, whether for personal growth, leadership development, or business strategy. After our initial consultation, you’ll receive a customised quote to consider at your leisure. No obligation.

Contrary to popular belief, there are overlaps between coaching and therapy. However, therapy particularly addresses past issues for healing, while coaching offers more solution-focused strategies for faster impact and working towards the future. My coaching is designed to support proactive change in both personal and professional life and is primarily based on applied psychology, neuroscience and performance coaching.

We will decide the coaching frequency together, based on your goals. On average, many people start with weekly or bi-weekly sessions. I will also advise you, based on my experience with many clients, on what might work best for you.

I’m available from 10 AM to 9 PM, accommodating evening sessions. Subject to availability, I have slots during business hours and also in the evening for those who prefer coaching outside their working hours. We’ll find a suitable time together, and if we decide to work together, that slot typically remains consistent throughout our journey.

Coaching sessions are powerful conversations tailored to focus on your immediate challenges and long-term goals. Sessions can vary; some might be exploratory, others may include a blend of exercises, action plans, and the introduction of useful tools for career, leadership development, or business strategy. I often offer a discovery call for you to get a sense of what it’s like to work with me.

I customise my approach based on your needs, from life coaching to executive leadership coaching. I employ a mix of business performance tools, neuroscience, and applied psychology to facilitate impactful change, helping you design the life and career you truly want.

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